Cippus Abellanus

The Cippus Abellanus is a limestone inscription written in Oscan, found in Campania. The slab of limestone is 192 centimeters high, 27 centimeters thick, and 55 centimeters wide. The text describes a treaty between the towns of Nola and Abella regarding the sanctuary of Heracles and delineating the ownership of each town. It has two-sides, an obverse and converse, and is written using the Oscan alphabet itself. While most of the text is extant, the edges of the inscription have cracked and fallen off, so some of our knowledge of the text is missing. The exact date of the Cippus is not shown, but it is estimated that it dates from after 216 BC and around 150 BC, as evidenced by Nola’s senate’s power in this time period. Here follows the text of the Cippus:

Source: Carl Darling Buck’s A Grammar of Oscan and Umbrian